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New posts in core-audio

How can I use Apple's Core Audio C API to create a simple, real-time I/O stream on OS X?

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How to play decoded audio data through hardware on IOS?

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Does an audio queue callback function have to be a C style function? Or can it be an objective C style method?

how to use the native fixed point type (8.24) for iOS audio processing

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is it possible to enumerate Audio Unit parameter descriptions?

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AU Preset (.aupreset) resource path issue in iOS LoadPresetDemo sample code

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Swift AVAudioEngine crash: player started when in a disconnected state

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How do I increase MIDI synth volume/gain without distortion on iOS?

How to use iOS 10 Speech Recognition?

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Simplest way to capture raw audio from audio input for real time processing on a mac

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How do you pause, stop and reset an AUFilePlayer?

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FFT output with float buffer AudioUnit

Difference between audio encoding/decoding and format conversion

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How do I get my sound to play when a remote notification is received?

Does AUGraph deprecation means no more audio render callbacks?

How to seek within an audio track using avassetreader?

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Get Built-in Output From Core Audio

How do I get the filesystem path for a resource on iPhone?

How to use audio units in an application

OS X / iOS - Sample rate conversion for a buffer using AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer