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New posts in fixed-point

Matlab Double cast from Uint64

Is it better to use GL_FIXED or GL_FLOAT on Android

how to use the native fixed point type (8.24) for iOS audio processing

ios core-audio fixed-point

Advantages and disadvantages of floating point and fixed point representations [closed]

JavaScript: represent float as product of integer and power of ten

javascript fixed-point

Range analysis of floating point values?

Fastest way to multiply two 64-bit ints to 128-bit then >> to 64-bit? [duplicate]

c integer fixed-point int128

256 bit fixed point arithmetic, the future?

Strange compilation error with gnat on fixed point declaration

ada fixed-point gnat

Optimizations are killing my integer overflow checks in clang 6

Fixed Point Multiplication of Unsigned numbers

c numbers fixed-point

Synthesisable Fixed/Floating points in VHDL's IEEE Library

Is there a way to force PMULHRSW to treat 0x8000 as 1.0 instead of -1.0?

How to use python to convert a float number to fixed point with predefined number of bits

PHP bcmath versus Python Decimal

Doing exact real number arithmetic with PHP

php decimal fixed-point

Reproducibility of floating point operation result

Restrict Float Precision in JavaScript

understanding Fixed point arithmetic

c fixed-point

64-bit fixed-point multiplication error

c# math binary fixed-point