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New posts in ieee-754

Why doesn't python decimal library return the specified number of signficant figures for some inputs

Can we say that it's always true that 0.5*x + 0.5*x == x?

How to implement the totalOrder predicate for floating point values?

Why does a calculation error occur when this double value is multiplied by 2 in C++?

c++ ieee-754 calculation

Convert float to bigint (aka portable way to get binary exponent & mantissa)

How many distinct values can be stored in floating-point formats?

numbers ieee-754

Rounding quirk in JavaScript or IEEE-754?

javascript math ieee-754

Decode / Encoded IEEE 754 float value from raw data with Erlang?

erlang decode encode ieee-754

quickly find the integer part of the base 2 logarithm

c++ c floating-point ieee-754

How are floating point numbers stored inside the CPU?

What is NaN (Not a Number) in the words of a beginner? [closed]

Can someone explain this floating-point behavior?

What is theoretically the smallest floating point format possible?

How MySQL does the math calculation of floating point addition?

mysql sql ieee-754

MATLAB: Converting a uint32 (4-byte) value to the corresponding IEEE single-precision floating-point form

Floating point number in JavaScript (IEEE 754)

javascript ieee-754

Does double z=x-y guarantee that z+y==x for IEEE 754 floating point?

c# floating-point ieee-754

is float16 supported in matlab?

Why IEEE754 single-precision float has only 7 digit precision?

Fast sign in C++ float...are there any platform dependencies in this code?