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New posts in floating-accuracy

Dot Product: * Command vs. Loop gives different results

Can we say that it's always true that 0.5*x + 0.5*x == x?

printing the integral part of a floating point number

How does Lua's floating-point handling differ from other languages?

Should I worry about precision when I use C++ mathematical functions with integers?

Rounding problems when creating date vectors

Generic way of handling fused-multiply-add floating-point inaccuracies

Java more precision in arithmetic

java math floating-accuracy

Modulo operator gives unexpected output in Java

Is float value guaranteed to be 0 when a float variable is initialized to 0.0?

Change in Python built in round() function between 2.4 and 2.7

Can C++ std::numeric_limits<float>::max() be accurately stored in a float and later compared?

c++ floating-accuracy

Floating point operations 32 bit mode vs 64 bit mode

Does Java's Math.pow round off the result?

How to raise the precision of pow in C++ for large numbers (10^19)?

Best practices for float multiplication in C++ or C?

C++ Precision: String to Double

Counting digits in a float

strange results with /fp:fast

Integers and float precision