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New posts in double-precision

C++ writing and reading doubles from a binary file

What does the "double" do in ceil(double)?

Storing numbers with higher precision in C

Can std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(0,1) return a value greater than 0.99999999999999994?

MATLAB: Converting a uint32 (4-byte) value to the corresponding IEEE single-precision floating-point form

Output precision is higher than double precision

How to know if a double string is round-trip safe?

Confusion about kinds in FORTRAN

Fortran double precision program with a simple MKL BLAS routine

Is integer multiplication implemented using double precision floating point exact up until 2^53?

Best base type to deal with linear algebra

host to network double?

Does Fortran have inherent limitations on numerical accuracy compared to other languages?

IEEE-754 floating-point precision: How much error is allowed?

Tiny numbers in place of zero?

c++ math double-precision

C# High double precision

c# double double-precision

Formatting Double to print without scientific notation using DecimalFormat

Is there an accurate approximation of the acos() function?

float to double assignment

when to use expm1 instead of exp in java

java double-precision exp