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New posts in linear-algebra

Reducing dimensionality on training data with PCA in Matlab

In-place elementwise matrix multiplication aka Schur Product aka Hadamard Product?

linear-algebra julia

Matrix power for sparse matrix in python

Solving sparse definite positive linear systems in CUDA

How to convert triangular matrix indexes in to row, column coordinates?

np.dot 3x3 with N 1x3 arrays

How to implement 4-point perspective transform using HTML5 canvas & three.js?

Vectorize call to function of two vectors (treat matrix as array of vector)

How do I get three non-colinear points on a plane? - C++

Determine if determinant is exactly zero

Programming Finite Element Method

Using numpy reshape to perform 3rd rank tensor unfold operation

Julia vs. MATLAB - Distance Matrix - Run Time Test

What value of alignment should I with mkl_malloc?

How to perform element-wise square root of a vector in Julia?

julia linear-algebra sqrt

Calculate cosine similarity for between all cases in a dataframe fast

Computing the determinant of a C array

c math matrix linear-algebra

Removing unsolvable equations from an underdetermined system

c++ linear-algebra eigen

Wrong solution of a linear equation, or why does A*(A\B) not equal B?

Unexpected eigenvectors in numPy