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New posts in octave

How to import octave implementation to C++ or C#

c# c++ user-interface octave

How to print matrix values in octave using printf

matrix octave

Function handle formats in Octave

Octave containers.Map() undefined


What's the fastest way to approximate the period of data using Octave?

How can I convert f(x,y) to a 2-D matrix (i.e. lookup table)?

Octave urlread will not download data due to "Pee

octave urlread

Octave JIT compiler. Current state, and minimal example demonstrating effect

octave jit

Wrong solution of a linear equation, or why does A*(A\B) not equal B?

how to obtain list of functions of a package that is installed in octave?


GNU Octave: How to find n maximum elements of a vector

octave vectorization max

Splitting string by number of characters matlab

string matlab octave

Top n rows in a matrix?

matlab numpy octave

What is the point of the deal() function in Octave / MATLAB?

matlab octave

List of all built-in symbols in Matlab/Octave

matlab octave

Is there an Octave equivalent of Matlab's `contains` function?

matlab octave

Identifying (and removing) sequences from a vector in Matlab/Octave

matlab octave

How to make dashed / dotted / dash-dotted line in octave?

plot octave

octave/matlab - convert string into matrix of unique words

matlab vector matrix octave

oct2py - Calling an octave function using threads in python