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New posts in signal-processing

Get ultrasound from android using frequency

Most efficient way to find longest incrementing subsequence in a list of lists

GNU Radio and wildlife tracking

how to get phase fft of a signal &-- can i get phase in time domain?

sklearn dimensionality issues "Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2"

Savitzky-Golay filtering giving incorrect derivative in 1D

What's the fastest way to approximate the period of data using Octave?

Finding 2d impulse peaks in MATLAB

Converting from samplerate/cutoff frequency to pi-radians/sample in a discrete time sampled IIR filter system

Differences in types of FFT?

signal-processing fft

Algorithms to normalize finger touch data (reduce the number of points)

How do I implement a bandpass filter given by this equation?

c audio signal-processing fft

frequency analysis with unevenly spaced data in python

Why can't we remove very high blur from an image?

Box filter size in relation to Gaussian filter sigma

Remove/control clicking sound using PyAudio as an oscillator

find the timestamp of a sound sample of an mp3 with linux or python

How Do I do Real Time Sound/Signal Processing On The iPhone?

DCT Compression - Block Size, Choosing Coefficients

How do I multiply the spectra of two images of different dimensions?