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New posts in portaudio

Using any other values in pyaudio for rate / format / chunk give me the error: [Errno Input overflowed] -9981

Remove/control clicking sound using PyAudio as an oscillator

Why does PyGILState_Release(…) segfault in this case?

Pyaudio, portaudio and mac 10.7.5

Portaudio + Opus encoding / decoding audio input

c++ audio voip portaudio opus

PyAudio (PortAudio issue) Python

Error while compiling PortAudio examples

c portaudio

"'portaudio.h' file not found" error in XCode 5.1

c xcode macos portaudio

Multichannel PyAudio with ASIO Support

python portaudio pyaudio asio

Time between callback calls?

portaudio pyaudio

PortAudio real-time audio processing for continuous input stream

how to install portaudio on pi properly

Audio recording in Python with Pyaudio, error ||PaMacCore (AUHAL)|| ... msg=Audio Unit: cannot do in current context

PyAudio 'utf8' error when listing devices

PyAudio trying to use JACK

Having trouble installing PyAudio for Python3 on Mint

How do I get a list of my device's audio sample rates using PyAudio or PortAudio?

audio portaudio pyaudio

C compiler cannot create executables - Cygwin/MiniGW