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New posts in circular-buffer

Java Collection for special scrolling, circular queue

Why are only BUFFER_SIZE-1 items allowed in buffer in Producer-Consumer paradigm using shared memory?

Copy-free thread-safe Ring Buffer for Big Arrays

FreeBSD: Questions about NIC ring buffers, mbufs, and bpf buffers

Formatted print to circular buffer

c printf stm32 circular-buffer

How to correctly exit a std::thread that might be waiting on a std::condition_variable?

Why is the (non-generic) Stack class implemented as a circular buffer? (and what does that mean exactly)?

.net stack circular-buffer

Disruptor - Ring Buffer

PortAudio real-time audio processing for continuous input stream

How to implement a circular buffer of cv::Mat objects (OpenCV)?

Must Clojure circular data structures involve constructs like ref?

clojure circular-buffer

How to efficiently wrap the index of a fixed-size circular buffer

circular array implementation

c arrays circular-buffer

Correct way of implementing a uart receive buffer in a small ARM microcontroller?

arm uart circular-buffer

a text file circular buffer in python

Lock Free Circular Array

Windows ring buffer without copying

Do any Java libraries provide a random access Queue implementation?

Read data into a circular buffer