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Installing Ruby on Rails on Linux mint?

Eclipse ADT Bundle crashes suddenly on Mint 16 Petra

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Automatically Run Command Upon Opening Terminal (Linux Mint 16)

Linux Mint trigger slowly query on mysql on system booting

A font doesn't appear in IntelliJ's dialog of choosing a font

Linker fails to find 32-bit libraries under 64-bit Mint OS when compiling with Clang

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Build Vim with lua on Linux Mint

vim build lua linux-mint

AMD-Vi: Unable to read/write to IOMMU coun / Problem loading X.509 certificate -65 [closed]

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How do I create a menu entry for Intellij in Linux Mint?

problems installing M2Crypto on Mint: follow-up

xkb: Correct way to interact with it on Mint 15/Ubuntu 13

Cannot open /dev/console

c linux-mint

No tab completion for IPython in Emacs textmode

can't uninstall package with pip

python pip linux-mint

ruby on rails "usr/bin/env: ‘ruby2.3’: No such file or directory"