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Eclipse ADT Bundle crashes suddenly on Mint 16 Petra

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Error when installing the ADT plugins in Eclipse

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Eclipse: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for JDK classes in an Android project

Android ADT bundle [install new software]

problems building with ADT r14

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could not find class referenced from method android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

How to check ADT PlugIn Version? [closed]

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ADT Eclipse/Android always builds/runs in debug mode

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Can no longer launch apps after upgrding to android sdk tools 20/platform sdk tools 12

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Android: How to swipe between activities (not fragments), master/detail best set-up

Landscape preview of android xml layout in Eclipse

Redeclaration of the method "in" within a class

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ClassNotFoundException is thrown by all Android projects that used some sort of library after ADT plugin Update [closed]

How to open the Configure Launcher Icon window in the android developer tools (ADT)?

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Why do android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES work on older platforms

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Android manifest file out of sync

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android.widget.TextView.setTextAlignment(): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

Launch Google Maps to show road directions

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Eclipse problem when install new software

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"Android Library Update” eclipse task randomly stuck my eclipse on start

android eclipse adt