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New posts in numerical-methods

How to make numpy.cumsum start after the first value

Python Numerical Differentiation and the minimum value for h

python numerical-methods

ARM vs x86 for floating point

Fast way to find all vectors similar to a given one

How to implement adaptive step size Runge-Kutta Cash-Karp?

How should I deal with floating numbers that numbers that can get so small that the become zero

Wrong solution of a linear equation, or why does A*(A\B) not equal B?

Python math domain error when using pow

Quickly compute `dot(a(n:end), b(1:end-n))`

Numerical simulation giving different results in Python 3.2 vs 3.3

Overflow issues when implementing math formulas

LU Decomposition from Numerical Recipes not working; what am I doing wrong?

Comparison Boost.Odeint vs Scipy.integrate.odeint?

Generic programming: Log FFT OR high-precision convolution (python)

unexpected results with specific rounding mode

Signaling or catching 'nan' as they occur in computations in numerical code base in c++

2D boundary conditions in Fortran