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New posts in exp

exp function using c++

c++ function exp

RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in np.exp(x**2)

python numpy exp

Something really weird with C++ exp() function

c++ square-root exp

Calculating exp(x) with the use of recursion in Python [duplicate]

python math recursion exp

Perform numpy exp function in-place

Disappointing performance in Ubuntu for computational workload

c macos ubuntu exp

How to convert scalar code of the double version of VDT's Pade Exp fast_ex() approx into SSE2?

c++ sse intrinsics sse2 exp

Why do I get platform-specific result for std::exp? [duplicate]

c++ rounding-error exp

Taking logs and adding versus multiplying

when to use expm1 instead of exp in java

java double-precision exp

Numerically Stable Implementation

Using AVX instructions disables exp() optimization?

visual-c++ x86 exp avx

How to represent e^(-t^2) in MATLAB?

matlab exponential exp

Analytical way of speeding up exp(A*x) in MATLAB

Why a self-written Rcpp vectorized mathematical function is faster than its base counterpart?

r rcpp exp

I do *not* want correct rounding for function exp

c rounding ieee-754 exp libm

Why does my Visual C++ .exe project build create .lib and .exp files?

visual-c++ linker exp

Fast Exp calculation: possible to improve accuracy without losing too much performance?

Deal with overflow in exp using numpy

python numpy overflow exp

Fast fixed point pow, log, exp and sqrt

c++ c logarithm fixed-point exp