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How can I replicate random draws in RcppArmadillo?

r rcpp

How to export Rcpp Class method with default arguments

r rcpp

fatal error: RcppEigen.h: No such file or directory

r rcpp

Eigen 3 - Slicing a MatrixXd to reverse the columns order

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Iterate over S4 object slots Rcpp

r rcpp

Is it allowed/possible to call an R function or fortran code within a pragma openmp parallel for loop in Rcpp?

How to make inline C++ function calls in R?

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Communication between R and C++

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Rcpp Error with Xcode 5.0 and OSX 10.8.5 and R 3.0.2

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'unlockEnvironment' implemented via 'Rcpp' instead of 'inline'

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How to cout NumericVectors?

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How do I get an Armadillo function to NOT print an error when inverting a singular matrix?

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Creating objects of R S4 classes in Rcpp?

r rcpp

Rcpp function for adding elements of a vector

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What's wrong if not including GetRNGstate()?

r rcpp

Call a function from c++ via environment Rcpp

r rcpp

Passing user created c++ functions in rcpp as arguments

r rcpp

Rcpp function cannot be found by R

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Rcpp select/subset NumericMatrix column by a NumericVector

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Omitting the rows of a data frame in which their elements are the same

r rcpp