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New posts in sse2

Penalty for switching from SSE to AVX?

c++ sse avx sse2

Fast copy every second byte to new memory area

c performance sse memcpy sse2

How to vectorize a distance calculation using SSE2

How To Store Values In Non-Contiguous Memory Locations With SSE Intrinsics?

c sse intrinsics sse2

SSE2, Visual Studio 2010, and Debug Build

optimize unaligned SSE2/AVX2 XOR

Exception in statically linked msvcrt using Visual Studio 2012

How to rotate packed quadwords in xmm register?

x86 sse2

The best way to shift a __m128i?

What is the difference between these 128bit SIMD xor operations

simd sse intrinsics sse2

SSE2 optimization for converting from RGB565 to RGB888 (no alpha channel)

#error "SSE2 instruction set not enabled" when including <emmintrin.h>

c++ linux cmake intel sse2

SSE2 instruction to typecast an integer register to short register and vice-versa

x86 sse simd sse2

sse2 vectorization and virtual machines

What is the difference between loadu_ps and set_ps when using unformatted data?

sse simd intrinsics sse2

What is the point of SSE2 instructions such as orpd?

C/C++: -msse and -msse2 Flags do not have any effect on the binaries?

c++ gcc sse sse2

How to simulate pcmpgtq on sse2?

assembly sse simd sse2 sse4

strange error during cast to __m128i

c sse sse2

Emulating shifts on 32 bytes with AVX

c++ simd intrinsics sse2 avx2