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New posts in instruction-set

How does the 68000 internally represent instructions?

Difference between MIPS and ARM datapaths

Can a “PUSH” instruction's operation be performed using other instructions?

Why "execute" located before "memory" in Instruction Set Achitecture?

processor instruction-set

Can i use the same ARM assembly for different ARM processors (Cortex,Tegra and so on)?

How to write a compiler back-end to generate assembly for user defined hw architecture, from C code

Why isn't movl from memory to memory allowed?

What does the AMD64 machine code "48 ff 25" mean? [closed]

How can I get the number of instructions executed by a program?

Is there an function in AVX512 like _mm512_sign_epi16 (__m512i a, __m512i b)

Why does the 6502 microcontroller not have a arithmetic right shift?

why we can't move a 64-bit immediate value to memory?

PowerPC opcode table?

How can I tell if jump is absolute or relative?

List of Cortex-M4 Opcodes

Why did RV64 introduce new opcodes for 32-bit operations instead of the 64-bit ones

What instruction set does the Nvidia GeForce 6xx Series use?

gpu nvidia instruction-set

Encoding a CALL instruction to call a function

c instruction-set x86

How do I decode a machine instruction to assembly in LEGv8?