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New posts in immediate-operand

What's difference between number with $ or without $ symbol in at&t assembly syntax?

Loading 32 bit values to a register in arm assembly

why we can't move a 64-bit immediate value to memory?

GCC seems to prefer small immediate values in comparisons. Is there a way to avoid that?

In MIPS, when to use a signed-extend, when to use a zero-extend?

Literals VS Immediate Operands

Range of immediate values in ARMv8 A64 assembly

Why isn't # needed before numbers with DC.W (Define Constant), only instructions?

Can I add 64bit constants to 64bit registers?

What's the difference between the x86-64 AT&T instructions movq and movabsq?

Why would we use addiu instead of addi?

MUL instruction doesn't support an immediate value

Is it possible to multiply by an immediate with mul in x86 Assembly?

RISC-V build 32-bit constants with LUI and ADDI

RISC-V: Immediate Encoding Variants

How can ARM's MOV instruction work with a large number as the second operand?

Why use LDR over MOV (or vice versa) in ARM assembly?

Difference between movq and movabsq in x86-64