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New posts in literals

What is the relevance of M suffix on a decimal literal [duplicate]

c# decimal literals

Does java optimize string literal toLowerCase()?

Why is 0x8000000000000000LL considered unsigned long long by gcc?

c gcc types literals

Various Regexp options

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Numeric literals in Java - octal? [duplicate]

java literals octal

c++ is const pointer to literal valid?

What are the semantics of mutably borrowing a literal in Rust? [duplicate]

How do I express NSDictionary as a literal in Objective-c?

what is the difference between 'Float a = 3f' and 'Float a = 3.0' in java?

passing int literal to method that takes integer in java

PMD : Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements

Switch on a Byte

Why delimiter on char? c-based

c# c++ c char literals

Is there a non-ugly way to use a multi-column, multi-row table literal in an Oracle 11g query?

sql oracle oracle11g literals

Complex number literal

Literal in Code behind

.net asp.net literals

How do I specify the literal generator type in Python?

Which C# double literal is not exactly representable as double?

c# double literals

convert a string to a sequence of C# Unicode character literals

c# string unicode char literals

C++17 Hexidecimal floating point literal single precision suffix conflict?