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C# Nested initialization strangeness

c# syntax semantics c#-6.0

is it good semantic to give a dt more than one dd in the dl?

How exactly do the semantics of the HTML5 <header>, <section>, and <footer> tags work?

Do I need all these HTML5 tags for my site’s master header?

html semantics

What are the semantics of mutably borrowing a literal in Rust? [duplicate]

How to interpret "void(*)()"?

c++ c++11 syntax semantics

What are some advantages to using <span style="font-weight:bold"> rather than <b>?

html semantics

Is this a loop?

c loops semantics

Semantic HTML tag for displaying a path/directory?

html path tags semantics

Why is Java's "protected" less protected than default? [closed]

In PHP, where does the output buffer print to? What things print to it?

php buffer output semantics

What's the semantic difference between the backtick and quote symbols in Common Lisp?

lisp common-lisp semantics

How do array semantic initializers work in C#?

Why browsers parses custom tags in HTML5? [duplicate]

html tags semantics

Is an infinite enumerable still "enumerable"?

HTML Semantics: Should the icon to trigger the menu on a responsive page be included in the nav?

What is collection semantics (in .NET)?

CSS, nested divs & margins vs. padding

css padding semantics margin

onApprove and onDeny not triggered in modal - semantic ui

Finding relations between Pronouns and Nouns in sentences