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New posts in c#-6.0

How do you enter quote characters in C# 6.0 string interpolations

VS2015 + Resharper: Don't use C#6

C# 6 error messages on VS2013 despite using Microsoft.Net.Compilers nuget package

C# Nested initialization strangeness

c# syntax semantics c#-6.0

C# 6 safe navigation not working in VS2015 preview

c# roslyn c#-6.0

How do I handle a C# codebase being edited in both VS 2013 and VS2015 with regards to the breaking change of "using static" in C# 6.0?

visual-studio-2015 c#-6.0

Is c# 6.0 nameof() result interned?

When the null conditional operator short-circuits, does it still evaluate method arguments?

C# 6.0 String Interpolation in Mono MCS

mono c#-6.0

Why is this enum declaration working now?

c# .net enums c#-6.0

Primary Constructor is not being compiled in C# 6.0 [duplicate]

Null Conditioning operator can't be used for assignments? [duplicate]

c# c#-6.0

why would a ? appear in IEnumerable<int>?.ToList()? [duplicate]

c# .net c#-6.0

Null conditional operator and void methods

Formatting a string into columns using String Interpolation

c# string format double c#-6.0

Using the null conditional operator and actions

c# c#-6.0

Using Elvis operator in combination with string.Equals

c# .net c#-6.0

Auto-Property Initializes vs Constructor Initializes which takes precedence?

c# c#-6.0

Trouble registering an ETW Provider [duplicate]

Force Microsoft Build Tools 2015 to include mscorlib for the targeted version of the framework instead of 4.6