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New posts in nameof

Can you use nameof when hidden by in scope member?

c# nameof

Is c# 6.0 nameof() result interned?

Continued "Is there an equivalent of C#'s nameof(..) in F#?"

f# nameof

Is it possible to retrieve the variable name (not value) of a property using reflection?

nameof won´t reflect using

c# using nameof

Using "nameof" keyword with set-only property

F# nameof operator not a first-class function

Is it possible to imply the name of the parameters of a params array using the nameof operator?

c# nameof

Expression vs nameof

c# .net expression c#-6.0 nameof

Declaring constants with the nameof() the constant as the value

c# constants nameof

Use nameof on a member of a generic class without specifying type arguments

c# c#-6.0 nameof

Getting the calling variable name of a parameter

Why is nameof(object) not allowed?

c# c#-6.0 nameof

Is it possible to use an nameof expression in switch statement?

c# .net roslyn nameof

Parsing nameof expressions in Roslyn

c# roslyn nameof

Is there a Swift equivalent of C#'s 'nameof()' function to get a variable or member's name at compile time?

swift reflection nameof

C# 6: nameof() current property in getter/setter

c# c#-6.0 nameof

How to handle nameof(this) to report class name

c# c#-6.0 nameof

Why can nameof not be used with alias-qualified types at the root level?

c# nameof

Is there any benefit of using the nameof operator instead of the CallerMemberNameAttribute to notify property changes in .NET 4.5.3?