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What is the reason for passing SyntaxKind to factory methods of class Syntax?

c# roslyn

Create a Func<> with Roslyn

c# .net roslyn

How to configure Roslyn CustomWorkSpace not to cry for Visual Basic?

c# roslyn

Can we get System.Type from Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.TypeSyntax?

How can I add getter and setter to PropertyDeclarationSyntax?

c# roslyn

Is it possible to include intellisense for the object global of globalsType in the RoslynPad RoslynCodeEditor control?

Roslyn get all solution project references

c# roslyn

Read *.csproj property values using Roslyn APIs?

c# roslyn

C# 6 safe navigation not working in VS2015 preview

c# roslyn c#-6.0

How do I get a Roslyn workspace from a VS package?

roslyn visual-studio-2015

How to turn off Visual Studio 2015 Roslyn error highlighting?

visual-studio-2015 roslyn

What is the most interesting and promising approach to implement a compiler in C#?

SyntaxRewriter.Visit* does not visit all nodes of type *

c# roslyn

How to initialize an object with Roslyn

c# code-generation roslyn

Sanitize roslyn memberdeclarationsyntax identifier

c# roslyn

using Roslyn to parse classes functions and properties

c# roslyn

Specify Framework Version for CSharpCompilation.Emit

How to get statements for IMethodSymbol?

c# .net roslyn codefixprovider

Is the Roslyn CTP still available for Visual Studio 2010 SP1

How to get all properties that are anotated with some attribute?

c# roslyn