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Is the Roslyn CTP still available for Visual Studio 2010 SP1

My Google-fu has failed: I can only find downloads compatible with Visual Studio 2012.

I remember it being available for 2010 originally:

Introducing the Microsoft “Roslyn” CTP - The Visual Studio Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Is the Roslyn CTP still available for VS2010 SP1?

like image 771
Tim Barrass Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 15:12

Tim Barrass

1 Answers

The latest version doesn't support Visual Studio 2010, now that Visual Studio 2012 has launched:

Following last Wednesday’s official launch of Visual Studio 2012, we’re excited to announce that the Roslyn September 2012 CTP is now available for download and provides support for VS 2012 RTM. Please note that Visual Studio 2010 is no longer supported by this CTP.

The older binaries are still available on NuGet (scroll all the way down to Version History) which should still be compatible with VS2010, but as mentioned those are older builds. Gotta move along with the times, they say...

like image 145
BoltClock Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 22:01
