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New posts in roslyn-code-analysis

Can we get System.Type from Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.TypeSyntax?

Analyzer with Code Fix template

Specify Framework Version for CSharpCompilation.Emit

How to get underlying type for IEnumerable<T> with Roslyn?

Find missing await in solution

How can I feed a loaded Assembly to a Roslyn Workspace in C#

Make diagnostic errors reported by a C# source generator appear in the Visual Studio editor

Roslyn Analyzers with Jenkins

Make code analyzers ignore AssemblyInfo.cs

Find all method calls for a specific method using Roslyn

How to include keywords and aliases in Roslyn recommended symbols?

EditorConfig - how to access editorconfig rule settings in custom analyzer

How to compare type symbols (ITypeSymbol) from different projects in Roslyn?

Keep structured trivia when removing a node

Some projects' dependencies contain unexplained code analyzers

C# Roslyn Compiler - How to get namespace of a type from IdentifierNameSyntax?

How can I find all signatures(overloads) of a method in Roslyn in a class or partial class files?