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New posts in editorconfig

EditorConfig control File-scoped namespace declaration

c# editorconfig c#-10.0

Problem with using common .editorconfig file (imported in csproj) in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 4

EditorConfig new line per parameter for function calls

c# editorconfig

EditorConfig - how to access editorconfig rule settings in custom analyzer

Can I run EditorConfig over C# Files From the Command Line?

editorconfig - cannot get naming conventions to work

EditorConfig: Enforce spaces after and before opening/closing brackets for C#

c# editorconfig

editorconfig - how to specify underscore prefix for readonly private fields?

(Why) would I use both an .editorconfig file and the VS code workspace settings in a project?

Sharing a single .editorconfig file across multiple projects

Is there any .editorconfig GUI editor?

Export Resharper code style settings into Editor.Config

.editorconfig file in GitHub

github editorconfig

How do I use editorconfig in Visual Studio 2019?

Export Visual Studio's 'Code Style settings' as .editorconfig