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New posts in editorconfig

How to import an EditorConfig file into Visual Studio for all solutions?

Is there global .editorconfig in Visual Studio 2017

Confused over ruleset files vs editorconfig files

How do I make Vim respect .editorconfig?

vim vundle editorconfig

New generated GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig file since recent upgrade

roslyn editorconfig

EditorConfig in Android Studio

Setting up C# editorconfig Code Cleanup on build/save and commit

.editorconfig not doing anything in VS2017?

editorconfig for Visual studio code

how to apply .editorconfig to existing project in intellij

Formatting rule to have blank line between class member declarations

Visual Studio 2017 Code Style "Errors" do not prevent build?

Editorconfig: How to autofix all files in a project [closed]


Possible to ignore/exclude file/folder from .editorconfig?


How to export all my Intellij code styles to a .editorconfig file?

EditorConfig for VS Code not working

EditorConfig vs. Eslint vs. Prettier: Is it worthwhile to use them all?