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New posts in code-formatting

How to move private fields to the top of the class with ReSharper

resharper code-formatting

Visual studio formatting issue

How to auto-format AS3 variable declarations in alphabetical order?

RStudio removing leading whitespace formatting from SQL

rstudio code-formatting

How to rearrange code alphabetically in Android Studio?

Format source code on save in Visual Studio 2005

Formatting Field Declarations in Eclipse

How to exclude css files from auto formatting in IntelliJ

Annotating Python print() output with comments

Android Studio wrong auto indent for dart

Multiple lines comments in Scheme (RnRS)

Delete divs from html source code [closed]

Best practice for breaking up long lines in JS [closed]

XCode9 how to get right click > Structure > Reindent back?

Ruby: String no longer mixes in Enumerable in 1.9

ruby code-formatting

What is the reason for ordering an if statement this way?

JavaScript formatting: must braces be on the same line as the if/function/etc keyword? [duplicate]

How to format lisp code?

scheme lisp code-formatting

Dealing with ASP.NET MVC "tag soup"

What's the best way to format long strings of HTML in PHP?

php code-formatting