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Compare odd and even numbers in a list in scheme


How to create a list of lists in scheme?

Mutate vector in scheme by appending vectors

How is let* Defined in Chez Scheme/Racket?

scheme racket let chez-scheme

using a function which is defined in a scheme file, inside another scheme file

function include scheme

Cond definition in scheme

Confused by "Init/Base" in foldr/foldl (Racket)

Usage of nested let or let* in scheme

scheme racket

case and quotation in scheme & racket

scheme lisp racket

scheme aliases for macros

clojure macros scheme lisp

SICP 1.45 - Why are these two higher order functions not equivalent?

Racket function for finding minimum element of list given a function

What is implicit recursion?

How to write the Average Function for this Data structure in Scheme/Lisp?

the difference between if and cond?

scheme sicp

In Scheme, can if be expressed as a combination of boolean operators?

How does `if` statement work in Scheme?


In a simple script to return the minimum of a list in scheme only the first value of the list is being returned by my solution. What's the bug?

list scheme

Applying apply in Scheme

scheme apply

How can I return list with different values?

recursion scheme racket