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New posts in visual-studio-2017

Visual Studio 2017 RC Core Console Project does not compile

How to use an ASP.NET Core environment variable in testing with Visual Studio

dotnet exec needs a managed .dll or .exe extension while adding Entity Framework Core (1.1.0) Migrations

Cannot add EntityFrameworkCore Tools to class library in Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio and Self Containing Deployments

How to turn on indent structure lines in VS2017?


How can I install Entity Framework Power Tools for Visual Studio 2017? [closed]

cmake - support of Visual Studio filters

Re-Link Xaml and Code Behind in Visual Studio Solution

c# xaml visual-studio-2017

IntelliSense PCH Warning not going away

Custom Execution Strategy Error in VS2017 and Entity framework Core 2.0

How to use Java in Visual Studio 2017

Setup CMake with SFML in VS2017

Use a SSIS package as Template in SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 Community

fxc.exe not found by VS2017 in windows 10


How can I debug unit test in Visual Studio 2017 15.6.0

Can't move toolbar item into toolbar menu in Visual Studio customization

Disabling Live Player in Visual Studio

How to perform migrations in the package manager?

How to change the default browser for debugging in Visual Studio 2017?