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New posts in sql-server-data-tools

Change database Schema name in database project vs2012

How to generate select or insert script of table using SSDT in Visual Studio

Schema Comparison times out

Latest SSDT vs. SqlPackage incompatibility for SQL Server 2014

Use a SSIS package as Template in SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 Community

SSDT transactional publish?

Error while previewing SSRS Reports in VS2017 with Custom Assemblies

SSDT on Visual Studio 2012 broken then fixed, broken again also broken on VS2013

sql71501 sql parameter has unresolved reference to build-in type Visual Studio 2012 DB project

Missing Enumerator in Foreach Loop Editor

Dacpac Upgrade database Times a little silly

SSDT Not Working In Visual Studio 2010 SP1

SQL Agent Job failes when trying to execute SSIS package due to some permission issues

SqlPackage.exe takes a long time

How to package a deployment contributor in a dacpac?

Stored procedure ENCRYPTION option depending on build mode

Suppress sqlpackage.exe warnings/errors in Powershell when triggered using TFS build