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New posts in roslyn-code-analysis

Cannot create a compilation in Roslyn from source code

How to use Roslyn to determine line code's position in a source file


Is it possible to use Rosyln or Resharper to detect possible DivideByZero cases?

Roslyn SyntaxTree Diff

Can I use a roslyn analyzer from within the solution it is defined in?

Roslyn: Retrieving Symbol in parent or ancestor SyntaxNode

Using the Roslyn Semantic Model to Find Symbols in a Single .cs File

Find UsingDirectiveSyntax that belongs to InvocationExpressionSyntax

Constructing NameOf expression via SyntaxFactory (Roslyn)

Adding new field declaration to class with Roslyn

Add a parameter to a method with a Roslyn CodeFixProvider

Compile-time only Nuget dependency (FxCop)

Visual Studio: Suppress warnings for all files in a namespace [duplicate]

Suppressing issues from Roslyn code Analyzers

Visual Studio 2017 - measuring "Lines of code"