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New posts in .net-4.6

Portable Class Library has no DataContract or Serialization functions with .NET 4.6

How to achieve sequence of timeouts with RX?

c# system.reactive .net-4.6

.NET 4.6 required for .NET 4.5.2 compiled application

OwinMiddleware doesn't preserve culture change in .net 4.6.*

CI Build Error with Visual Studio Test step after .Net 4.6 upgrade - Executor process exited; There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe

Why does AutoMapping from Fluent's NHibernate ignore an enum type?

Handedness of Matrix4x4 camera methods

c# .net-4.6

AutoFixture cannot create Claim (with .NET Framework 4.6)

Signalr - endless $.connection.hub.disconnected event?

asp.net signalr .net-4.6

.NET 4.6 - monodevelop on linux

Can you install .NET 4.5 on Windows Server 2016?

How do I reference a UWP+NET46 portable library from a .NET 4.6 console application?

ASP.NET Middleware doesn't preserve culture anymore

F# generic units in parameters defined in terms of each other

Expressions breaking code when compiled using VS2015 Update 1

Error - could not find al.exe using sdkToolsPath [duplicate]

Is there any benefit of using the nameof operator instead of the CallerMemberNameAttribute to notify property changes in .NET 4.5.3?