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How do I create a DateTime object given UTC time and date?

c# .net-4.5.2

Force Microsoft Build Tools 2015 to include mscorlib for the targeted version of the framework instead of 4.6

WCF Getting "An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to.." on random call

First request to IIS site always produces 500.21 error

IdentityServer4 Authorize always gets "The signature key was not found" on Azure AppService

Is there a way to install .net framework 4.5.2 or higher on Mac OS X?

Can you install .NET 4.5 on Windows Server 2016?

Autofac: How do you register a generic with multiple type arguments? Registering IGenRepo<T, TKey> with EFGenRepo<T, TKey>

Difference between HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem and HostingEnvironment.RegisterObject

Azure websites .NET 4.5.2 availability date

Where is the VC++ 2012 Runtime Bootstrapper package in Visual Studio 2013?

How to unit test RelayCommand that Executes an async method?

"Use of unassigned local variable" in if statement with TryParse with the use of dynamic

c# .net-4.5.2

Why does the SelectedIndexChanged event fire in a ListBox when the selected item is modified?

How can I compile a .NET 4.5 app with a reference to .NET 4.5.2 assembly?

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Unspecified error trying to install .NET 4.5.2 Developer Pack

installation .net-4.5.2

Azure Websites, Can one deploy .NET 4.5.2 websites

'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'

Mock HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem in xunit test

moq xunit .net-4.5.2