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New posts in mscorlib

Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1'

Roslyn compilation: type is defined in an assembly that is not referenced

My project references 3 different versions of mscorlib.dll

Force Microsoft Build Tools 2015 to include mscorlib for the targeted version of the framework instead of 4.6

Visual Studio 2015: Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework

C# .Net 4.0 mscorlib contains ReadOnlyDictionary?

c# .net mscorlib resharper-5.0

'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Visual Studio mscorlib classes source code

LoadLibrary 193

IObservable ambiguous reference error

Curious to mscorlib reference

Getting types in mscorlib (aka Silverlight mscorlib) via reflection on?

C# compiler: /nostdlib option

c# .net mscorlib

How do I convert a .tlb file to headers and implementation files?

How to create a custom .NET base class library (BCL) aka mscorlib replacement?

Visual Studio 2015 - C# Windows Universal App missing assembly reference

After pressing Start in C# I am getting Source Not found Error at the beginning

"Fluent methods may not be invoked on a Query created via CloudTable.CreateQuery<T>()" exception

c# azure mscorlib

MSBuild conflict between mscorlib 4.x and mscorlib 2.x

c# .net msbuild mscorlib