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New posts in c++-cli

How to wrap a C++ class in a C based dll or a CLI based dll?

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Could C++.Net assemblies be decompiled easily?

Accessing members of class after casting pointer in C++

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Where do I initialize a managed C++/CLI DLL?

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Is it possible for native class to consume .NET event?

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unsigned char* buffer to System::Drawing::Bitmap

C++/CLI Printing contents of CString to console

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C++/CLI: inherit from one CLR class, multiple C++ classes

gcroot Collection - element access

Compiler error C2440

When to use the __gc keyword on managed C++ classes?

Best practice for translating exceptions in C++/CLI wrapper class

C3374: can't take address of 'function' unless creating delegate instance

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Call C++ functions from C#/.NET

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How do I fix fatal error C1113: #using failed on 'Mylib.lib'

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C++/CLI/C# BadImageFormat Exception when loading form

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How can I call a mixed-mode C++/CLI assembly from C#?

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How to push data from unmanaged to managed code?

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shared_ptr not defined when including from managed code

C++/CLI or C# P/Invoke for a big C library, calling an extern function

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