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New posts in mixed-mode

C++/CLI: inherit from one CLR class, multiple C++ classes

.NET application loading mixed dll, using Any CPU

.net mixed-mode anycpu

How can I debug into an unmanaged BCL (InternalCall) method?

friend ref class?

Managed code references between any cpu and x64

c# .net c++-cli mixed-mode

Accessing Assembly language from C++

c++ memory assembly mixed-mode

unmanaged var as member of managed class c++

Standard conformant way of converting std::time_t to System::DateTime?

Losing anti aliasing when sharing Graphics object between managed and unmanaged code

My application is unmanaged. Where do I start introducing managed code?

Mixed mode assembly is built against version '2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime

Resolve managed and native stack trace - which API to use?

C++/CLI Wrapping a Function that Returns a std::shared_ptr

Mixed mode assembly not loading symbol for native C++ pdbs

How can I send a managed object to native function to use it?

Does an ILSplit.exe exist, equivalent to ILMerge.exe, or how could this be made?

c# .net il ilmerge mixed-mode

Linking unmanaged C++ DLL with managed C++ class library DLL

c++-cli mixed-mode

Will mixed mode assemblies (C++/CLI projects) work on .NET Core?

Destruction of Native Objects with Static Storage Duration