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New posts in anycpu

.NET application loading mixed dll, using Any CPU

.net mixed-mode anycpu

C# Solution, can all projects target AnyCPU except one which has to be x86?

c# interop x86 anycpu

.Net2 assemblies hosted in .Net4 app perform better in x86 than in AnyCpu mode?

Using devenv.exe from the command line and open a Solution

How can I change the Build.Platform property in a Visual Studio project?

Why is my application, which I compiled with Any CPU, running as a 32-bit process on my 64-bit machine?

c# 64-bit anycpu

Managed C++ and AnyCPU

c# .net managed-c++ anycpu

c# visual studio build exe with target anycpu but that determines its platform(x86/x64) on the calling process platform(x86/x64)

I do not have a 'Any CPU' option present in my Configuration Manager

Why is an 'Any CPU' application running as x86 on a x64 machine?

c# .net 64-bit clr anycpu

How to add x64 (or Any CPU) as a build option in Visual Studio 2010 (from console application to class library)

Any CPU not available in C++/C# solution

c# c++ managed anycpu

Odd debugger behavior with Interface and Generics on 64bit OS when toggling 'Prefer 32-Bit

c# generics .net-4.5 anycpu

Change target CPU settings in Visual Studio 2010 Express

Using devenv.exe from the command line and specifying the platform

x86 devenv anycpu

C# compiling for 32/64 bit, or for any cpu? [duplicate]