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New posts in service-reference

Custom tool warnings when using VS2010 service reference

WCF Error - Reference.cs is blank (empty) [closed]

wcf service-reference

OSGi Declarative Service - obtain ServiceReference in bind method

Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1'

WCF Service reference namespace cannot be found

Connect to SSL SOAP Host via "Service Reference" and pass Security Header

Adding http headers to a Service Reference service method

WCF: Updating Service Reference gives duplicate config entries

VS2010 Updating Service Reference *crazy* Slow (like 5 minutes)

VS2010 Add Service Reference missing (Unable to add Service Reference)

error downloading $metadata from webservice

Using C# Service Reference with Proxy

WCF to ASMX binding much slower returning large data than standard web reference

Visual Studio Service Reference WSDL return type doesn't match

Can I add a Service Reference with netTcpBinding in WCF?

Add Service Reference error "Cannot import wsdl:portType"

Suppress Xml warning for ServiceReference .cs file