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New posts in web-reference

web reference configuration issue

Automatically Update All Web References in a Project in VS

How to get value from applicationSettings?

WCF to ASMX binding much slower returning large data than standard web reference

Can I change a web service reference URL in the Config file?

Changing the namespace for a Web Reference in a Project to be Made Into a VS Project Template

Is it possible to change the properties of a WebReference in run-time? [duplicate]

Add WSSE SOAP Header to Web Reference

c#-4.0 soap web-reference

.NET DLL Settings and Config when there's a Web Reference - whats going on?

How do I move a Web References from one project to another in VS2010?

WCF Error {"The username is not provided. Specify username in ClientCredentials."}

SGEN failure: An attempt was made to load an assembly with an incorrect format in VS2008

URL Behaviour in a Visual Studio Web Reference

Adding Authorization Header to Web Reference

How to add a Web reference Visual Studio 2012

Getting RAW Soap Data from a Web Reference Client running in ASP.net