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New posts in nettcpbinding

WCF service hosted in IIS 7 - binding configuration settings are ignored

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Is it possible to use netTcpBinding with the VS 2008 development server?

wcf nettcpbinding net.tcp

Why does maxConcurrentSessions default to such a low value? And what is a safe value?

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Azure: Intra-WebRole Communication (netTcpBinding) with Full-IIS

Recover Callback channel after CommunicationObjectAbortedException thrown

What does the term "pending dispatch" means?

c# wcf nettcpbinding

How to use a WCF Dual Service over the internet?

Can you use WCF Data Services (ne OData, ne Astoria, ne ADO.NET Data Service) with NetTcpBinding?

WCF NetTCPBinding vs HttpBinding difference in data sent on wire

Windows Authentication / Encryption in WCF With NetTcpBinding

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WCF Service call working with basicHttpBinding but fails with netTcpBinding

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Is there any difference in hosting net.tcp wcf services under Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server in IIS?

Does WCF message security actually encrypt message contents?

WCF, Duplex callback, recieveTimeout netTcpBinding

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WCF - Disabling security in nettcpbinding (c#)

C# WCF NetTCPBinding Blocking Application

c# wcf nettcpbinding

Getting WCF callbacks to work with the netTcpBinding

c# wcf callback nettcpbinding

What's the fastest possible security configuration for netTcpBinding?

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WCF How much faster is TCP than HTTP

c# wcf nettcpbinding