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WCF service hosted in IIS 7 - binding configuration settings are ignored

wcf iis-7 nettcpbinding was

How HTTP.sys forward request to worker process

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WCF MSMQ Message queue not being processed

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Can you configure IIS7 to autostart a Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) application when the application pool starts/recycles?

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Elmah for non-HTTP protocol applications OR Elmah without HttpContext

WCF Service call working with basicHttpBinding but fails with netTcpBinding

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Getting "Unrecognized error 109 (0x6d)" which can be "fixed" by changing web.config

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How to configure Windows Activation Server (WAS) in Windows XP to host WCF services?

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restart/iisreset disables NET.TCP protocol?

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Are requests to a WCF service hosted by WAS authenticated by IIS processing pipeline or ...?

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Alternative to HttpContext when using NInject with a WCF Service Hosted in WAS using MSMQ binding

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what is the diffence between WAS and IIS?

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what is the global.asax Application_Start equivalent when using WAS in IIS7

IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service

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