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New posts in httpcontext

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is null

User.Identity.Name is null after federated Azure AD login with aspnetcore 2.2

Is it possible to copy/clone HttpContext of a web request

HttpContext.Current NullReferenceException in Static Method

How to initialise a custom HTTP Context or HttpContextBase

c# asp.net httpcontext

Use HttpRequest in validation context

Remove HttpContext.Current.Session

How HttpContext.Current works on each request in IIS pipeline?

Missing HttpContext

.net httpcontext

ASP.NET MVC: How to use HttpContext.User

asp.net-mvc httpcontext

Using HttpContext.GetTokenAsync in C# Unit Tests

HttpContext.Current.Items cleared via responseMode="ExecuteURL"?

Seeking One-Size-Fits-All Context Based Storage

Is GetHashCode just cargo-cult here?

MiniProfiler with Web.API 2; is there a global magic request context object?

Alternatives to Response.TransmitFile()

How to mock HttpContext (ControllerContext) in Moq framework, and have session

Singleton with AsyncLocal vs Scope Service

Inheriting LINQ-to-SQL data context from base controller

Request.IsAuthenticated is never true