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Error MT0014: iOS 6 does not support building applications targeting ARMv6

NuGet Packages for Visual Studio 2012 will not Restore in MonoDevelop 5.0.1

How to develop for .NET Micro Framework on Linux?

C# Mono on mac - compile and run another project with code

c# macos mono monodevelop xbuild

Can monodevelop do Web.config transformations like no VS2010

asp.net mono monodevelop

How do I cut, copy, paste and select all in a TextView control?

c# linux gtk monodevelop gtk#

Can I develop a .NET application in Windows and deploy versions for Linux and Mac?

Cannot access a Linux gcc compiled .so shared library from Windows Mono C# Project

Can I add my own snippets to MonoDevelop?


How can I launch a .NET exe in a new process in a cross-platform way?

.net mono monodevelop

I am using monodevelop and I am getting a "framework mono/.NET 4.0 not installed" error when I try to build

mono monodevelop

Monodevelop on Ubuntu Console.ReadLine doesn't work

System.IO.File' does not contain a definition for `AppendAllText' error in Unity3D?

Provisioning profile problems

iOS 6 Mono and backward compatibility

Alternatives to MS Visual Studio .NET [closed]

How to build gstreamer-sharp with monodevelop/xamarin?

Asking user permission for accessing their location with iOS when mapView does

How to jump in Unity 3d?

MonoTouch / MonoDevelop Ad Hoc Build Failure But Project Bundle ID and Provisioning Profile Match