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New posts in xcode4.5

How to rearrange size of fonts in iOS 7 if we uses system font?

objective-c ios7 xcode4.5

After upgrading Xcode to 4.5, Restkit 10.0 project not compiling for iOS 5.1 device

ios5 restkit xcode4.5

Error MT0014: iOS 6 does not support building applications targeting ARMv6

Setting accessibility identifier on a xib file

Where is UIViewController subclass in xcode 4.6

objective-c xcode4.5

CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 6.1'

ios xcode4.5 code-signing

iPad apps never install in Retina simulator

Should I initialize my viewController on viewDidLoad or viewWillLayoutSubviews

objective-c xcode4.5

Is [NSOperationQueue mainQueue] guaranteed to be serial?

Setting up user specific preprocessor macros for Xcode

objective-c xcode xcode4.5

Can't open Xcode project in Xcode 4.5 after opening it in Xcode 5

App only rotates in iOS 6 and not in iOS 5

How can I add an entitlements file to an XCode 4.5 project? [duplicate]

ios xcode xcode4.5

Core Data error 'Misconfigured Enity: In the Compound Indexes attribute...is not a valid property' after adding and then removing indexes

ios core-data xcode4.5

How to get name of distribution identity from .p12 file

iOS 6 landscape and portrait orientation

Display StopWatch Timer in UITableViewCell dynamically

My iPhone App won't run with letterboxes in the new iPhone 5 simulator. How do I get it to letterbox?

ios xcode4.5 iphone-5

Dont show keyboard when textfield is tapped

UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate not getting committed while using git in Xcode

objective-c git xcode4.5