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New posts in autorotate

iphone autorotation animation

Stop a modal UIViewController from rotating

App only rotates in iOS 6 and not in iOS 5

On iOS 6, PhoneGap 2.1 iPad app no longer autorotates

preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation must return a supported interface orientation (iOS 6)

iOS 6 UIInterfacePortrait ONLY viewcontroller being presented & stuck in landscape... when coming back from a landscape viewcontroller in nav stack

Is it possible to auto-rotate a modal view but not its parent?

iphone autorotate

Autorotating video played from HTML5 <video> in UIWebView

Why Doesn't iOS Autorotate a View loaded from a Nib after it was released by didReceiveMemoryWarning?

UITableView's tableHeaderView height property is changed to strange values during load and rotation

How to use the autorotate plugin in ImageResizer

c# autorotate imageresizer

iPhone UIActionSheet auto-rotating not working

GLKit's -drawRect: is not called during screen rotation

How do I rotate custom splash screen on iOS?

Why are my subviews not centering correctly depending on device orientation?

UIScrollView: what is the difference between contentOffset and bounds.origin?

ios uiscrollview autorotate

Detect autorotation inside UIView subclass

Swift 3 - Force autorotation

ios swift autorotate

How to support only portrait mode on an iPhone app

How to make UIPopoverController keep same position after rotating?