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New posts in uiinterfaceorientation

UIOrientation returns 0 or 5

iOS+SpriteKit: How to force portrait mode?

Is there a method like didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation which happens during rotation in Swift?

Wrong value for statusBarOrientation on viewWillAppear

How to know current interfaceOrientation in iOS 8?

iOS 6 UIInterfacePortrait ONLY viewcontroller being presented & stuck in landscape... when coming back from a landscape viewcontroller in nav stack

shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation Getting called twice on launch

Get UINavigationBar landscape height while device is in portrait

Initial Interface Orientation to Landscape iOS 9

IOS 6 orientation issue in universal app

iOS 7. Change page orientation only for one view controller

Application always launch in Landscape Left

Forcing UIActionSheet to use a specific orientation

How do I rotate custom splash screen on iOS?

UIWebView landscape rotation does not fill view

upSideDown iPhone orientation is not working in iOS 6?

Unable to handle orientation in iOS 6?

MPMoviePlayerController re-orientation portrait to landscape and back to portrait (iOS 4.1)

iPad iOS7 - UIImagePickerController in UIPopoverController has wrong preview image