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Xcode quit unexpectedly while using the dsc_extractor.bundle plugin

xcode macos ios7 iphone-5

My iPhone App won't run with letterboxes in the new iPhone 5 simulator. How do I get it to letterbox?

ios xcode4.5 iphone-5

iOS 6 MPMoviePlayerViewController and presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated Rotation

ios iphone ios6 iphone-5

How to check iPhone Device Version in iOS?

ios iphone-5

Will Apple reject cocos2D game if it does not fit iPhone 5 screen?

cocos2d-iphone iphone-5

How to add iPhone5 support in cocos2d

ios cocos2d-iphone iphone-5

How to target iOS 5 and iOS 6

ios5 ios6 iphone-5

How to make controls in view not overlap if built by Interface Builder for Xcode 4.5 and iPhone 5?

iOS7 Startup screen (splash screen) leave a space on the bottom

How is the iPhone 5 armv7s processor different from its predecessors?

ios iphone-5 armv7

Is iPhone 5 display support *necessary* for app submission? [closed]

UINavigationBar change title text color and font size

When on iPhone 5, UITableView cuts off in 3.5 inch format

Sencha/Phonegap app doesn't fill full screen in iPhone 5

Reachability responding with wrong status code in iOS 7 iphone 5

My button doesn't detect touch events on iPhone (Retina 4-inch) simulator, but works in iPhone (Retina 3.5-inch) simulator

iphone ios ios6 iphone-5

Unable to handle orientation in iOS 6?