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New posts in armv7

Trouble adding Obj-C++ subproject into a Xcode Obj-C project

-E or - x required when input is from standard input

ios xcode6 armv7

Removing support for iPhone 3G

iphone app-store armv7 armv6

How to read a condition flag in ARMv7 Thumb-2 assembly?

iOS 6 Mono and backward compatibility

iOS making a universal library - for i386 and arm7

Is any ARM platform emulation in qemu functional enough to run ARM v7 code in multicore emulation mode?

qemu armv7

Xcode build settings not showing arch specific options?

How to programmatically identify the thread ID printed in GDB

c++ linux eclipse gdb armv7

XCode linking error when targeting armv7

xcode ipad linker armv7

Moving to iOS6 I get this linker error with almost all external packages

linker ios6 armv7

iOS webRTC library supporting both armv7 & arm64

ios webrtc armv7 arm64

What, if any, are the alignment requirements for the atomic intrinsic functions?

delphi delphi-xe7 armv7

Current Program Status Register exception modes

assembly arm armv7

ERROR ITMS-90092: “This bundle is invalid. Apps that include an arm64 architecture are required to include an armv7 architecture.”

xcode armv7

Unknown register name 'q0' in asm