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New posts in thumb

How to read a condition flag in ARMv7 Thumb-2 assembly?

Using thumb to move transformed control produces weird behavior

wpf canvas thumb

How to know if ARM or Thumb mode at entry point of program

ARM Thumb mode: Code Size not decreasing

compilation arm thumb cortex-a

how can I tell if I am in ARM mode or Thumb mode in gdb?

gdb arm thumb

What's the meaning of W suffix for thumb-2 instruction?

arm thumb

GCC --gc-sections and finding symbol dependencies

c++ gcc embedded thumb

ARM PC value after Reset

Compile thumb1 only

What do we mean by instruction size?

What do the abbriviations (Rn, Rd, ...) in the instruction set of ARM mean?

Is this a bug in GCC or is my code wrong?

gcc android-ndk thumb

ARM assembly cannot use immediate values and ADDS/ADCS together

ARM Cortex M0/M3/M4:Why PC is always Even number in Thumb State

assembly arm thumb cortex-m

arm thumb mode 4byte instructions

Calling ARM assembly from C, GCC (bare metal)

gcc arm qemu thumb armv6

iPhone compile for thumb

iphone compilation thumb

objdump and ARM vs Thumb

Using BX in Thumb code to call a Thumb function, or to jump to a Thumb instruction in another function

gcc arm thumb

ARM vs Thumb performance on iPhone 3GS, non floating point code

iphone performance arm thumb